Welcome to the Witches Year & the seasonal celebration of Samhain.
The Ancient Ones in the Northern Hemisphere traditionally celebrated Samahin when the veils are the thinnest 30th Oct / 1st Nov.
There is also the astrological date when the sun is at 15deg Scorpio season (Nov) and Beltaine when the sun as at 15deg Taurus season (May).
𓆸 Stay tuned for my Belaine post for the northern hemisphere.
The astrological seasonal marker of 15 degrees is directly in the middle of the equinox and solstice points. As an astrologer & witch this delights me as it weaves together the solar & lunar themes.
Here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate the seasonal wheel the opposite to our northern kin based on the Witches year.
For the southern hemisphere, the festival of Samhain is traditionally 30th April / 1st May. The astrological mid-point when the sun is at 15deg Taurus this year – 6th May.
This year Samhain is especially potent it aligns with the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse.
𓆸 Stay tuned for my video post on the lunar eclipse later this week for all the juicy witchy magick!
Powerful intentions are to be set at this time.
Samhain is when the veils are the thinnest between the spirit and the physical realms. Dreaming is intense and for many of us it is a time of returning and remembering.
Let us not forget that the Ancestors rule these realms. They push and pull you, sometimes kicking and screaming, into the unknown darkness to release all that is stagnant, worn-out and tired in your life.
Whatever does not truly inspire you, energise you or give you passion?
The objective is clear, direct, honest & sharp like a diamond. This season does not reflect the subjectivity and immaturity of the younger self.
In the darkness of Samahin, an ancestor presents a seed-pod containing several seeds. You have to choose which one you wish to plant.
Just spend a moment visualizing the planted seed in the moist, potent dark soil of regeneration. The symbolic seed represents the gift of hope, renewal and resurrection.
Much love Mikailah